Seiji Mori, Director of Institute of Quantum Beam Science
Human eyes can detect visible light and see structures larger than ~0.1 mm. If you want to see things very far from you or very small things, you need a telescope or a microscope. Quantum beams such as neutron, X-ray, γ-ray, and electron beams have their own characteristics —short wave lengths, transmittivity, etc., which visible light does not have. Using such a beam, you will be taken to a world unlike anything seen before. Progress of science is often accompanied by observation. Quantum beam science is a science for new understanding or discovery on matter via observations using the novel eyes, for developing new eyes, or for examining effects of quantum beams on lives and environments.
The Institute of Quantum Beam Science is recognized as a quite unique institute for learning and conducting advanced researches in a quantum beam science research and engineering area. There are four courses: Environmental Radiation Science, Quantum Science and Engineering of Materials, Chemistry and Life Sciences, and Beam Line Science. Students are expected to learn the all level from the basics to the advanced level of quantum beam science through a study of life science, physics, chemistry, materials science, accelerator science, etc. The institute has strong collaborations with Japan Proton Accelerator Complex, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Science Research Center, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology and Technology, National Institute of Radiological Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), SPring-8, KAERI (South Korea), Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, etc. Come on join us and let's study wonderful Quantum Beam Science!!
Human eyes can detect visible light and see structures larger than ~0.1 mm. If you want to see things very far from you or very small things, you need a telescope or a microscope. Quantum beams such as neutron, X-ray, γ-ray, and electron beams have their own characteristics —short wave lengths, transmittivity, etc., which visible light does not have. Using such a beam, you will be taken to a world unlike anything seen before. Progress of science is often accompanied by observation. Quantum beam science is a science for new understanding or discovery on matter via observations using the novel eyes, for developing new eyes, or for examining effects of quantum beams on lives and environments.
The Institute of Quantum Beam Science is recognized as a quite unique institute for learning and conducting advanced researches in a quantum beam science research and engineering area. There are four courses: Environmental Radiation Science, Quantum Science and Engineering of Materials, Chemistry and Life Sciences, and Beam Line Science. Students are expected to learn the all level from the basics to the advanced level of quantum beam science through a study of life science, physics, chemistry, materials science, accelerator science, etc. The institute has strong collaborations with Japan Proton Accelerator Complex, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Science Research Center, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology and Technology, National Institute of Radiological Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), SPring-8, KAERI (South Korea), Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, etc. Come on join us and let's study wonderful Quantum Beam Science!!